Thursday, June 24, 2010

Commune or commute?

On the way home
locked in my metal box
locked in formation with other metal boxes
alone yet surrounded
I see along the way, in the sky
Blue and white and blustering with moisture
pregnant with liquid life
near the rise ahead is a waste zone, a land of tanks and chlorine and sewage
Black Iron and shiny stainless and bad odours
floating above it are black spots, darting back and forth
Playing in the thermals, riding up and down
undoubted joy in the alternating Sun and Shade
my spirit guides are calling to me and saying
enjoy the moment, for it shall pass sooner than you think
I drive on

Art by G. Cournoyer

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Receiving Luna

As the sun sets to the northwest, I take a walk under the bright moon. Past the Sweet Peas, buzzing with pollinators, past the Apple, gravid with fruit, down the road towards the Cathedral. The Cathedral dome glows an orange hue in the gloaming.

Shutters were open under Her glowing presence, allowing the light to penetrate deeply into the sanctum. I can see the device, cold hard steel shining inside. Never does it see the daylight, but under Her glow the device sparkles on it's own, ready to receive the Knowledge as it is showered on all of us.


The Dogvan is home. I put a battery charger on it and after a night charge, cranked the engine over a bit with the coil off to get the oil moving and then plugged it back in and it fired right up. let it Idle for a while and cleaned a bunch of painting crap out of the back and off I went! First stop the dumpster where I swept out all the smaller stuff and a ton of mouse crap. There was a portopotty in the back and it had been a mouse haus...

Then to the Powerhouse where I hosed the van down and completely out to get the mouse crap and dust out, filled the tires and drove it to the house. This beastie purrs! Clutch is good, the shifter works fine, the brakes grab well, its a running truck. There is a sticker over the fuel filler and I asked what that's about. "Any more than 5 gallons and it dumps on the ground, but I replaced the tank, so don't worry about it..."

Cage comes out tonight after dinner

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Dogvan

Soon to be the DawgHaus

Old machinery is a great love for me. I usually admire other people's rolling stock and wish I could do the same. Well, times have changed and I have just picked up for free a "slightly used" 1964 Dodge A100 compact van. This beast was bought originally by Caltech, Palomar Mountain Observatory as the Painters truck, and as I work there and showed interest in it, it was given to me.
The van is mostly straight, with 2 small dents on the passenger side, and no rust other than some surface rust that will sand off easily. Interior is spartan as this was a work truck. Seats are shot and I am going to attempt to find junk-yard replacements for them with modern shoulder belts.
Mechanically very strong with a venerable Dodge Slant 6 170CI engine and a 3 speed Manual "3 on the tree" transmission. All works great, and was rebuilt from Mopar factory parts and a .10 over bore.

My intent for the exterior will be the Rat-Rod look, shaved body, Nerf bars, shiny rims and some sort of a graphic down the body to break up the slab side.

A note on the name Dogvan. When Bruce gave me the pink slip his wife Dana was mad that it went to someone she knew as she does not want it back. She called it the Dogvan not knowing my nickname is Dawg... That's Karma for you, the Dogvan becomes Dawg's van...

The list:
First thing is get all the paint buckets out
Remove bumpers
Remove the interior cage: It has a very heavy steel divider between the front and back.
Remove and replace or rebuild seats
Pull the roof rack and set aside and eventually rebuild it flat for gear instead of 3 ladders.
Go through it mechanically and swap all fluids, going to check brakes, bearings and tie rods, water pump, wiring.
Paint interior and build in a bed, a cabinet, and some sort of an extra seat. Thinking of a cj back seat and making some sort of quick release so I can toss it out the door when camping.
Somewhere along the way I will get some shiny rims for it.
Body work: Get the dents out, just two! Wet sand and prime and pick a two-tone paint job.

I intend to get all the mechanical and interior work done before Burning Man, 2010 and also finish the rack so I can throw a genny on the roof and run AC for the drive.

Stay tuned for more!